Stephen N Thompson - Realtor

Stephen N Thompson 3562128

The RE Society LLC


About Stephen N

A successful real estate agent with a passion for the industry that started early on in my life. My parents were avid investors in real estate, as I learned from them I watched them buy investment properties. My mother, who is a well-respected agent herself, was also a significant influence on my career path. In 2018, I decided to get involved in the family business by assisting my parents in finding investment properties. This experience sparked my interest in pursuing a career in real estate, and I decided to take the leap and become a licensed agent. Over the next few years, I continued to hone my skills and build my knowledge of the industry. By Late 2022, I was ready to strike out on my own and begin my career as a full-time real estate agent. I have since become a valuable asset to my clients, providing them with expert advice and helping them navigate the often-complex world of real estate. As I continue to grow and develop in my career, I remain committed to staying on top of the latest trends and innovations in the industry. Im passionate about what I do, and it shows in the level of dedication and professionalism I bring to my work every day.

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The RE Society LLC, 11430 N. Kendall Dr. Suite D-109, Miami, FL 33186

Contact Information

Address: 11430 N. Kendall Dr. Suite D-109
Miami, FL 33186
Cell: 305-803-2560
E-mail Me