Yuxi Lu - Realtor

Yuxi Lu 3601718

The RE Society LLC


About Yuxi

As a a dynamic and multilingual realtor, Yuxi Lu's journey began in a richly diverse cultural background. Growing up in a multilingual household, she effortlessly navigates English, Chinese, and Korean, making her a bridge between different communities. Her family's immigration to the United States led them to settle in Florida, where Yuxi embraced the sunshine state's pleasant weather and stunning beaches, attributing to an enriched quality of life.

The experience of being an intern at Miami Beach City Hall, she gained firsthand knowledge of the local community and its intricacies. Additionally, her role as a seasonal facilitator in museums further enhanced her understanding of the cultural fabric that weaves through the area. This combination of experiences has equipped Yuxi with a unique perspective and a deep familiarity with the beautiful communities of Florida.

Yuxi's involvement in managing various cultural events and meetings reflects her commitment to understanding and appreciating diverse perspectives. Her proficiency in drawing, painting, and photography in the art field, coupled with her love for reading, helped her create a keen eye for aesthetics. 

More importantly, in the world of Yuxi Lu, every transaction is not just a deal but an opportunity to create a home, bridging cultures and crafting living spaces that resonate with the unique needs and desires of her clients. So Yuxi is committed to finding the best solutions for her clients, regardless of the challenges that may arise.

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The RE Society LLC, 11430 N. Kendall Dr. Suite D-109, Miami, FL 33186

Contact Information

Address: 11430 N. Kendall Dr. Suite D-109
Miami, FL 33186
Cell: 786-817-8182
Work Phone: 305-735-6541
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